Sunday, February 12, 2012

First fire up of the new engine

 have to say I am so happy that is over with. I spent all day yesterday and half of today getting ready for the first fire up. I was VERY nervous that things were not going to go right. We made a huge checklist and went over it three or four times before we started it, and everything went fine. The old gauge cluster did not work so we were flying blind, but I could see that there was oil coming up on the rockers and it was not getting hot so I keep it running. 

Here is my only issue. Once I broke in the cam I tried to set the timing and could not even get the mark close. The timing marker one the timing cover is at about 2 o'clock, but the mark when the engine sounds the best is about 11 o'clock. If you try to get the mark to the other side the engine dies. I did some reading and found that some of the 350 engine had timing marks of the other side of the timing cover. So I wonder if that is my problem. 

The throttle response is wicked fast!!! 

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