Sunday, February 12, 2012

Skinning the transom and installation.

Here are some pictures of my last coat of resin on the side that will be glued to the boat. I went ahead and put a layer of mat on it and wrapped it around teh backside.

I first cut the hole for the outdrive and used a 1 3/4 holesaw to cut the relief for the steering.

Dry fitting. Yes the top is a little crooked. My mistake, but it does not matter.

I used my 1/4 tile trowel to spread out the PL glue

I then clamped it with 2X4s and all thread, along with some regular clamps.

In this picture you can see behind my transom to the tunnel. I am going to glass to this and wrap around to the front. That should make it super strong.

Once I took the claps off, it was solid. I let it dry for 48 hours.

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