Monday, February 13, 2012


Well I just got back from the after the first sea trials... and WOW!!!!!!! This boat scared me!!!!!!! It literally jumps out of the hole when you punch it and just hauls tail. We hit 53 GPS before I backed out due to my fear, and being a new engine. There is more there, but that is not what I was after, it was the low end torque. Boy did I get it.

Today was not the perfect day for a first launch. It was windy and overcast, but I needed to get this over with. we spent about 30 minutes on the lake going through different tests. From stopping to full throttle, and just cruising. Everything was perfect. One thing I never checked was the timing. I never heard and pinging (listen to the video and you guys can tell me) and it was plenty fast, so I just never messed with it.

I am very pleased with the outcome and I want to thank everyone here for the encouragement and advise.

I am sorry for all the wind noise, but it was really windy today.

First Time out in the sun in almost 6 months. sitting on the side of the in laws house.

My Father ins law and I getting ready. Pucker factor 10+

Me checking for water leaks.

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