Sunday, February 12, 2012

Getting the boat off the Trailer

So today I had to get the boat off the trailer for multiple reasons. The weather has been really nasty and cold here lately and I need to get the transom done. The trailer has some bad bunks and needs a new coat of paint. So I set off to Northern tool for ideas. I saw a set of Car dollys that looked like they would fit the part. I went to lowes and got 18 2x4s and some lag bolts and tore into it. I knew what I wanted it to look like in my head and after about two hours I had two cradles with wheels made. it woks like a champ and it fits in my garage by two inches. 

So I guess I will start refurbing the trailer before it gets too cold. 

The lumber

I think I paid 59 dollars a set for these.

I wanted to make this super strong, and so I sistered the lumber together for strength.

You can see in this picture that I used lag bolts to hold the dolly in place.

Here is both of them ready for the boat. I added some carpet on the top.

I used my floor jack to get it up off the trailer.

Then I tied the strap to my back wall in the garage, and then pulled it off slowly with the truck.

I then used the floor jack on the front of the boat and inched out. When I reached a rung on the trailer, I would move the jack to the other side of it and pull some more. 

You can see it is at the last rung now.

Here you can see the carpet

Here is that major reason for taking the boat off the trailer. It needs work.

All Done

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