Sunday, February 12, 2012

Inspection, and Deconstruction

well we have reached the end of Day three. This was the hardest day so far. I got the transom plate taken off and spent the rest of the day getting the transom removed. I got to say that it was worse than I thought. The rot went up one of the stringers about four inches and the port side floor has a little rot. I had to take out all the foam for access tot he floor and stringer area. Next weekend I will take a wire brush and the grinder to the inside to get ready for glass.

One question. I noticed some stress cracks on the inside of the gelcoat, but not the outside. How do i go about fixing this?

So here are some pictures. remember you can see all of them by clicking the link in my sig.

Here is the rot.

The starboard stringer has a little bit of rot on it.

The port side had a little more

This was hard work. One little piece at a time

This is me after two hours of grinding.

All the wood is off the transom, but I have a long way to go.

I found an ant nest when taking out the foam. Looks to be sugar ants.

I started to remove the large foam blocks on either side of the block. This is a messy and hard task. I will be replacing this foam at the end.

Foam everywhere

Here is my mess of parts that I have to eventually put back in the boat.

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