Sunday, February 12, 2012

Polishing the Hull

So this what I have been up to the past few days. I have wet sanded and polished like mad. The flake was a really pretty royal blue at one time, but turned a shade of green over the years. I found out that is you sand long enough the green goes away. I still have not hit the flake yet, and WOW what a difference!! I have sanded the lower part of the hull, but I still need to take the buffer to it. My whole body hurts right now.

The way you do this is simple but time consuming

1. Sand the huhll with 600 grit sand paper making sure not to go too far. Just enough to remove the oxidation
2. Then move to 1000 grit
3. Then move to 1500 grit
4. Then you grab your power polisher and use a grey pad and a fine cut compound.
5. Repeat
6. Move to a white foam pad and use a poising compound. 
7. Drink a few beers, as you will be beat.



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